Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Animal Kingdom From A to Z (Part 4)

Animal Kingdom From A to Z (Part 4)

A-Z left off with The Tree of Life and starts up again under the ground…

Underground Habitat of Mole Rats
This may seem like a weird one to like.  When walking through the Pangani Forest you will come to a hut.  Upon entering you will notice a glass observation area.  It is not brightly lit.  It is filled with tunnels and small caves.  Those caves and tunnels are filled with the
only hairless rodent in the world.  It lives its life entirely underground.
The mole rat is not attractive but it is interesting to watch.  Its social structure is much like insects with a queen, a breeding male, soldiers, and workers. Watching for just a short time, we can get to see how their society works together or doesn’t, through a sheet of glass. 
Visiting the Past- Dinosaur USA
We went on “Dinosaur” first thing the first time I went to Animal Kingdom several years ago. It was less than earth-shattering for either my husband or I. So why “visit” the past now? I think for years now I’ve judged an entire section of the park on a poor experience. We hardly even know what else is there.
We’ve going to start by giving “Dinosaur” another chance. It wasn’t so bad I’ve put it on my Can Not Do List, so we’ll give it a shot. Then we’ll dig into the past and explore. I’d love to try Primeval Whirl but that is unfortunately on my Can Not Do List. At the very least, there has not be an unexplored shop or two that we should trade pins in. I hear Chester and Hester have some real treasures.
Wildlife Express Train
This 1.2 mile round-trip train ride is the only way to get to Rafiki’s Planet Watch. It leaves from the Harambe, Africa area every 5-7 minutes. It is a relaxing behind the scenes ride through the area where many of the animals are housed when not in the park.  After enjoying Planet Watch, a second relaxing train ride is in order.
X-Ray Vision
Up at Rafiki’s Planet Watch is a veterinary observation area. This is a place where small animals and birds can be x-rayed while guests watch. During one trip there,  we saw a stork that was diagnosed with a broken wing. A Cast Member outside attempted to answer out questions as well.
Yeti from Expedition Everest
The Yeti, in the mystical realm, is a protective force.  I believe this because no matter how many times I go on Expedition Everest and the tracks are broken by the Yeti, I still get back safely.  Therefore the way I look at it he must use this force to keep riders safe!
Whatever it is, Expedition Everest is one of my favorite Disney coasters.  I’d love a picture of myself on it, but I’m always doing something weird with my face.  I guess some cute Yeti pins like the new 2011 cast lanyard pins will have to do.
Zebras on Kilimanjaro Safaris
Zebras are only one of many different animals you’ll see while battling poachers that have taken a baby elephant from its mother. And while that scenario stays the same each time you go on this ride, that is the only thing that will remain the same. Each time I have been on safari, I am struck by how unique it is because I never know what animals I will see or where.  Crocodiles. Giraffes. Elephants. Sometimes it’s not seeing them but how interesting the animal is being. Lions like to sleep and that just does not make for as good of a photo opp. as Simba on Pride Rock.
I do recommend Fast Pass for the Safari. The queue should be seen once but just standing there is not a good use of anyone’s time.
Well that’s my Animal Kingdom Top 26. I thought it was pretty wild, but let me know your opinions. I’d love to hear them! Coming soon: Epcot A-Z

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